Newfangled: Digital Boardgame

This game is styled after the likes of Mario Party and WarioWare; players traverse a board gaining points by answering gaming trivia and playing minigames. I wanted to make this game as a bridge into videogames for some of my (much older) co-workers. The game supports up to four local players or up to three AI opponents. Here's a screeny of the char select screen:

And here's a screeny of a board I made for testing:

A breakdown of the board is as follows:
Silver = neutral
Green = trivia
Gold = minigame
Red = lose points
Purple = steal points

So far the game has three playable modes:
-Time Attack; the winner is the player with the highest score after x turns.
-Score Attack; the winner is decided when x score is achieved.
-Minigame Mayhem; a solo more for practicing the minigames.

Once the game reaches the tech demo phase then future updates will not just increase the trivia database and the number of minigames but also the number of available modes and more complex board designs.

Its too early to provide a link, although I'm expecting to hit alpha soon :)

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